COVID-19 Update #2
Thursday, March 12 | 8:00 PM
Yesterday afternoon, I notified the parishioners and friends of Most Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church that I would soon announce changes at our parish in response to the 2019 novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19.
The changes we are making at the parish reflect three priorities:
- Eliminate unnecessary opportunities for person-to-person contact and potential exposure.
- Limit frequency of visits to the parish campus.
- Decrease the time people spend on the parish campus.
At this time, we are maintaining our weekend Mass schedule (4:30pm on Saturday; 9am & 11:30am on Sunday). However, in addition to the liturgical adaptations implemented across the Archdiocese of Atlanta in recent weeks, those who come to Mass at Most Blessed Sacrament will notice a few changes.
- Abbreviated Masses
- Hymnals removed from pews
- Envelopes removed from pews
- Holy Water will not be available
- Offering procession (in place of passing the basket)
- Communion offered in the hand ONLY
Unfortunately, we are suspending the Sunday Reflections during Lent that began in such an encouraging way last Sunday. This will be re-introduced when conditions improve.
We will also disinfect surfaces in the chapel building after every Mass.
Once again, if you have been instructed by your health care provider to avoid crowds, please know that this directive does apply to avoiding crowds at church. In the Catholic Church, one is always excused from the Sunday Mass obligation for health reasons.
Liturgy of the Word with Communion on Tuesdays (8:30am) as well as Reconciliation (6pm) and Mass (7pm) on Wednesdays are suspended until further notice.
Learning Group sessions on Sundays at 10:30am are suspended until further notice.
The following activities scheduled to take place on the parish campus in the coming days are either cancelled or modified:
Fish Fry (Fri., 13 March) - Cancelled
Stations of the Cross (Fri., 13 March) - Cancelled
Sharing In Sisterhood (Sat., 14 March) - Cancelled
Men's Club (Sat., 14 March) - Cancelled
Annual Used Book Sale (Sat.-Sun., 14-15 March) - Postponed
Choir Rehearsal (Tues., 17 March) - Cancelled
Stephen Ministry (Wed., 18 March) - Conference Call
I, along with Deacon Fred Toca and the parish staff, will continue to monitor the situation.
Subsequent updates will be offered as needed.
Let us take care of ourselves and one another.
In Peace,
Father Desmond Drummer