The Global Human Family

The Catholic Church and the United Nations are similar in that both are committed to bringing people around the world together for the sake of the common pursuit of peace and justice for all people. When Pope Francis addressed the General Assembly of the United Nations on September 25, 2015, he concluded his remarks with the following words:

The praiseworthy international juridical framework of the United Nations Organization and of all its activities, like any other human endeavour, can be improved, yet it remains necessary; at the same time it can be the pledge of a secure and happy future for future generations. And so it will, if the representatives of the States can set aside partisan and ideological interests, and sincerely strive to serve the common good. I pray to Almighty God that this will be the case, and I assure you of my support and my prayers, and the support and prayers of all the faithful of the Catholic Church, that this Institution, all its member States, and each of its officials, will always render an effective service to mankind, a service respectful of diversity and capable of bringing out, for sake of the common good, the best in each people and in every individual.

The resources on the webpage are provided to help you learn more about the United Nations and its work to promote unity and cooperation in the global human family so that you can support the UN through prayer and action.

The United Nations

United Nations website 

Calendar of United Nations Observances

The Catholic Church & the United Nations

Learn more: The Catholic Church representative at the United Nations

Sustainable Development Goals

Learn more: Sustainable Development Goals website