Summer Film & Service 2021
The Film Is Ministry faith sharing group invites the parish community to watch a film at home and take action together. In the coming months, a film and a corresponding service activity will be announced on a monthly basis.
August Film
Summer of Soul (2021)
August Service
Donate art supplies to benefit Atlanta Union Mission:
- Crayola Crayons (16 count)
- Coloring Books
- Construction Paper
- Elmer's Glue Sticks
- Blank Notepads
Drop-off: 10am-12noon on Saturday, August 28
Graduation Edition 2021
Join us on Zoom: Sundays at 4:00pm
Zoom Information:
Meeting ID: 846 3169 5994
6/13 - “THE CARDINAL” (CLASS OF 1964)
6/20 - “GOSFORD PARK” (CLASS OF 2001)
6/27 - “THE GODFATHER” (CLASS OF 1972)
7/11 - “GHANDI” (CLASS OF 1983)
Renewal of Community Joy Film Festival (Lent 2021)
February 21 - Spike Lee’s “Get On The Bus”
Where to watch: Amazon Prime, tubi
February 28 - Clark Johnson’s “Juanita”
Where to watch: Netflix
March 7 - Regina King’s “One Night In Miami”
Where to watch: Amazon Prime
March 14 - Neill Blomkamp’s “District 9”
Where to watch: Hulu, Amazon, iTunes, YouTube, Vudu, and Google Play
March 21 - Kate Hickey’s “Roller Dreams”
Where to watch: Hulu, tubi, Amazon Prime, VuDu, Google Play
March 28 - Tim Story’s “Barbershop”
Where to watch: Hulu, Sling TV, iTunes, Amazon, Google Play