Church Begins at Home: 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time



Video Message from Fr. Desmond


When "Ignorance Is Bliss" Isn't Good Enough


Gospel Truth Podcast

The Gospel Truth podcast illuminates the gospel reading on each Sunday. The podcast is provided by the Vatican media platform.

Gospel Truth: 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time


Instrumental Meditation by Aleron Morton

"The Potter's House" (written by V. Michael McKay)


Playlist for 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Scroll all the way down to see the playlist inspired by this Sunday's readings.



Opening the Scriptures at Home

The global Catholic Church is reflecting on the same readings from the Bible on the Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time. We remain spiritually connected to one another as we open our hearts to the Word of God. 


1. Encounter the Word of God

Read or listen to the Biblical readings for the Twenty-second Sunday in Ordinary Time. 


2. Reflect on the Word of God

Silently reflect, write down, or share your insights about the readings.


3. Pray

Spend some time in silence and bring to your mind some of the prayer intentions you have.

Introduce The Lord's Prayer in these or similar words: Gathering our prayers into one, we now pray in the words that Jesus gave us...


Focused Learning Opportunities & Activities for Young People

These activities provide encounters and experiences for children and emerging adults. 


Early Childhood

Download coloring sheet.


Grades K-2

Download coloring sheet.


Grades 3-5

Download coloring sheet.



Remember to join the Emerging Adults Virtual Meeting at 7pm


Fr. Drummer's Playlist for the 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time


What Is This? (Walter Hawkins)


Thirst For You (CeCe Winans)


The Summons (Robert Kochis)


I'm On the Battlefield for the Lord (Margaret Allison)


Bless The Lord Medley (The West Angeles COGIC Mass Choir)


Silver and Gold (Kirk Franklin)