Parish Update - May 24, 2020
Sunday, May 24 | 5:35 PM
Public Liturgies Remain Suspended at Most Blessed Sacrament
"And behold, I am with you always, until the end of the age."
Matthew 28:20
People of God --
You may be aware that Archbishop Hartmayer recently allowed parishes in the Archdiocese of Atlanta to resume public liturgies as early as Monday, May 25. Parishes that proceed with resuming public liturgies must adhere to a set of guidelines to ensure physical distancing and sanitation.
Deacon Toca and I are of the same mind: it would not be prudent to resume public liturgies at Most Blessed Sacrament at this time. This understanding is also the consensus of the parish staff and the newly-formed Parish Hygiene Council.
Please be advised that public liturgies at Most Blessed Sacrament remain suspended until further notice.
We are committed to supporting our parish family during these challenging times. We are also encouraged by the various ways parishioners are supporting one another in the spirit Christian love. All of this is a reminder that the Church is still alive.
I will update our parish family when we have a better idea of when we will resume public liturgies. Until then, we are here for you.
In the Lord,
Father Desmond Drummer
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